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How It Works
Race Legal
What people are saying
“Immediate power no matter if I was starting from a stop, hitting it after running mid range or going for top end. The power is nuts! - Matt Gorman
“...it's the single most performance enhancing part on my truck!” - Chris A.
“...it is stupid fast...” - Jim G.

Video #7
78.4 MPH World Record Jato 3.3
Video #6
93.1 MPH World Record Jato
Video #1
Buku Power Pipe on Savage 4.6rtr LRP Engine
Video #2
JATO Buku Power Pipe
Video #3
Power of the HPI Savage
Video #4
MGT Big Air Bash
Video #5
Monster GT with Buku Pipe
While traditional tuned pipes must focus on only one RPM range for maximum effect, the Buku Power Exhaust System can boost performance throughout the entire RPM range. It’s the world’s only tuned pipe that dynamically adjusts its tuned length during use. The unique patent pending design of the Buku Power Exhaust System is the result of several years of development and thousands of dynamometer tests. This research has resulted in a truly revolutionary design that can produce more power than any other tuned pipe available today.
Small Block Models Big Block Models

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